Linux system administration: Experience with bash, zsh, perl, git, ansible, kvm/virsh;
some python, php, mercurial, bcfg2. Experience configuring server processes and daemons (e.g.
apache, sshd, openvpn, iptables, mailman, request tracker).
Current experience configuring, developing and managing websites on a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL,
Perl/PHP) stack. Past experience configuring, developing and managing website on IIS/Windows.
Experienced with both desktop and server hardware, software, and peripherals (Mac/Windows/Linux).
Designed and implemented numerous web-based systems utilizing a MySQL backend. Examples projects
include an online faculty promotion and tenure management system, graduate student application
review and disposition, online faculty search system.
Deployed, configured and managed multiple Wordpress servers, including the ECE department's
main external website and a Wordpress Multisite server hosting many of ECE's research labs and
student groups.
Worked with PR specialists and external designer to implement a new department logo and
consistent visual brand across department's website and various print publications.
Set up and managed various department servers running inside of KVM virtual machines.
Set up federated login allowing ECE students, faculty and staff to authenticate against their
ECE/UW accounts for access to the department's MSDNAA/DreamSpark/Imagine site.
Managed consolidation of existing academic software license management to bring it under
ECE Computing's aegis.
Managed department Google Apps domain from 2007-2013, then managed the transition of those
accounts and calendars over to the UW domain. Responsible for transition of department calendars
from self-hosted WebEvent system to department Google Apps resource calendars; then shift of calendar,
drive, and sites data from department Google Apps over to UW's Google Apps domain.
Managed and coordinated use of various ECE social media outlets - e.g. YouTube, Facebook,
Set up and managed YouTube live stream for department colloquium talks. Assisted faculty and staff
with video conversion using various tools (e.g. ffmpeg, Quicktime, Handbrake).
Configured/Used PAM for web authentication and authorization, as well as other services.
Provide Mac and iOS support to students, faculty, and staff on an as-needed basis.
Served as occasional department photographer for PR, publications, and website.
Overhauled existing departmental website through multiple iterations, both independently and as part
of a college-wide rebranding initiative.
Managed and configured Apache server. Oversaw migration of website from original server (NCSA HTTPd
running on HP 715/HP-UX) to Apache 1.3 running on Red Hat Linux, and later from Apache 1.3 to 2.x.
Implemented and managed configuration of multiple virtual web hosts running under Apache 1.3
and 2.x.
Designed and implemented web-based management and tracking systems for computing group internal
use, including departmental computer hardware tracking, equipment insurance management, computing
purchases, software installation, and software licenses.
Designed and implemented a web-based anonymous and secure (within the bounds of certain requirements
dicated by faculty) voting system that's now used for almost all ECE faculty votes.
Designed and implemented web-based management system for departmental assistantship support offers
made to RAs, TAs, and graders - a system that was subsequently adopted college-wide.
Designed and implemented web-based systems to replace various paper-based department procedures
including faculty peer review of teaching, course teaching assignments, ABET (engineering education
certification) curriculum portfolio assessments, and end of quarter course reviews.
Wrote perl/cgi scripts and html pages for discussion boards, PDF/FDF form submission, software
download registration, creation and maintenance of a technical report series,
interactive on-line course quiz system, and multiple form-based e-mail processes (mail, vacation,
spam filter settings, mailing list and alias management).
Used Javascript to manipulate DOM elements, provide dynamic form checking, and image animation.
Used Cascading Style Sheets to control web page appearance in a browser independent manner.
Configured and managed web authentication (using Kerberos) and authorization using LDAP).
Taught various web-related topics to staff in both group settings and one-on-one trainings.
Assisted department's lead system administrators in management and troubleshooting of various
departmental Linux servers.
Programmer / Research Technologist III
UW Quaternary Isotope Laboratory
February 1990 - December 1999
Manager of lab's Local Area Network under Lantastic NetBIOS and Microsoft
NetBEUI protocols.
Wrote custom programs for data access, presentation, and scientific analysis.
Provided computer hardware and software support on PC, Macintosh and UNIX platforms.
Responsible for operation, maintenance, and software control of a continuous flow CO2 Micromass 903 mass spectrometer.
Maintained laboratory website.
Sole stable isotope science representative at camp opening during three Greenland
Ice Sheet Project 2 field seasons.
Seattle Pacific University Seattle, Washington Bachelor of Science (cum laude), Physics/Engineering Science (double major)